Established Fence Deck Railing Company - SOLD

 Sold Listings / 1404 views / Sold

Price: $1,100,000.00

Business Description

Established Fence Deck Railing Company for sale due to owner retirement is one of the premier, full-service fence, deck, and railing companies in Central Indiana, located in a consistently growing area and offering products that are continually in high demand.

The company is dedicated to providing exceptional quality service for residential and commercial properties, and by doing so, has established a superior reputation in its service area. It offers a variety of fence styles and materials, such as ornamental aluminum fencing, ornamental steel fencing, vinyl fencing, PVC fences, chain link, estate gates, and access control. It has an established base of reliable direct suppliers with negotiated terms and discounted price points.

Sales have increased over the last three years, and 2021 is on pace to exceed 2020 by approximately 40%.

Projected: 2021 Sales = $1,800,000 and Cash Flow = $520,000.

In the small-business world, you seldom run across businesses that run efficiently with documented well-conceived processes. This business understands its business, executes its plan, and consistently delivers and attracts customers to its product and service offerings. Moreover, the business is in the enviable position of turning business away due to capacity limitations. A skilled operator with a growth plan and strong management acumen can capitalize on a business that is poised for expansion.

For a qualified buyer, this is a very SBA-financeable business due to its organization, solid sales, and cash-flow performance. SBA lenders will gladly entertain a finance package.


  • Location : Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Listing # : N1999

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