Protection Services Company Seeking Investor

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This industry leading protection services company is seeking an investor for continued growth.

Are you an angel investor looking for your next venture? The company provides physical security and surveillance system solutions to their clients. Services and products include in the sale mix is:

  • Armed and Unarmed Guard Services
  • Surveillance Installation & Monitoring
  • Security Alarm Installation & Monitoring
  • Fire Alarms & Suppression Systems
  • Access Control

Additionally, the company provides security assessments for their clients. This ensures that each client gets the right security solution for their property. Not only are the services and products provided by highly qualified security personnel and technicians, but they also offer monitoring from their command center. Clients get peace of mind knowing their residences and commercial properties are safe and secure.

This protection services company has 20+ contracts already in place for 2024. In fact, it is actively adding new clients throughout the Midwest. It primarily serves commercial clients. Its clients come from of all types of industries including real estate, entertainment venues, residential housing, healthcare, schools, and local governments. In addition to receiving client referrals, it is actively marketing using a formal plan which includes advertising and digital marketing.

Attention to detail combined with qualified professionals and the latest innovations in security technology makes them an industry leader. Their staff is highly trained and paid competitively. All staff receives ongoing training to ensure they are leaders in their field. Keeping their leader status also includes knowing and utilizing the latest technology.

Located in Indianapolis, this company is poised for continued growth. Known as the “Crossroads of America” Indiana grants easy access to the surrounding states. It’s network of highways and accessible transportation make it easy to get to clients as close as Hamilton County to as far as Minnesota. Another benefit are the low corporate income taxes in Indiana. Additionally, several major cities in the Midwest are experiencing growth. And with growth comes the need for security.

As an investor, you will get an equity share in a company that’s on the forefront of security services solutions. If you are ready to invest in this opportunity, talk to us today.

Investment Considerations:

  • Regional Industry Leader
  • Fully Operational
  • Management In Place
  • Completely Staffed
  • Contracts In Place
  • Actively Adding New Clients
  • Comprehensive Marketing Plan in Place
  • Uses High-End, Modern Technology
  • Ample Opportunity for Revenue & Sales Growth
  • Part of a Growing Industry

Growth Plan:

The company’s current growth plan includes:

  • Strategic, focused marketing to mid-size and larger corporations.
  • Optimize and streamline installation and services.
  • Add affordable financing packages for both small- and large-scale installations.

Competitive Advantages:

  • Staffed Surveillance Command Center
  • Highly Skilled Security Guards & Technicians due to Regular Advanced Training
  • Higher Employee Retention (Better Pay, Bonuses, and Training)
  • Use of Innovative, Progressive Technology & Systems


RevenueCash Flow
Projected 2024 $4,321,364$159,332


Financial Notes:

Headcount: The company hired too many people too quickly due to anticipated demand. Headcount is now scaled back to better meet actual demand. Additionally, labor costs were reevaluated and unnecessary payroll expenses were cut.

Interest Costs: Several long-term pieces of debt affected the bottom line. In 2023, interest costs topped $537,000. Since then, several high interest items were refinanced to increase available cash flow and decrease interest costs.

Financial Management: The company is working closely with professionals and has created an internal financial team to better manage the financial direction of the company. This will allow the business to scale more appropriately and make better strategic growth decisions.



*For more information regarding this Protection Services Company  Seeking Investor click the link below. IBA requires a Non-Disclosure Agreement be signed before disclosing business details.**

Non-Disclosure Agreement

For more information on the business buying process, click here. Interested in our other businesses for sale? Click the “All Listings” button below.

  • Reason For Sale : Seeking Equity Investor For Growth
  • Year Established : Year Established
  • Location : Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Cash Flow : $567,637
  • Revenue : $3,312,785
  • Listing # : N2134

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